Feb 17, 2007

LIFE as I see

I have had a keen interest in gardening since i was a child.I have seen seeds sprouting into young saplings which turned out into plants and died out after sometime.This flower in the picture,i saw it since it was a bud.It opened its beautiful petals after sometime in the early morning and stood glaring into the sunshine,i was very happy to see it at its best.After a few hours it started fading out in the evening and died out finally,i felt sad.So live your life to the fullest when you are at your best and try to bring happiness to as many people as possible.And that is what the flower did to me or anyone who had a glimpse of it.It brought cheerfulness on our faces.Most importantly remember ," Anything that is born will die someday".So we are not supposed to get attached to anyone or anything in this materialistic world.


Unknown said...

its wonderfull dude.u hav really done execllent work..........Cool caption ............

mihir said...

why should we deter from loving for the fear of being lost.. i think when we feel the deepest of pains then the crave fot the happiness dies , then whatever we get might make us happy....what say???

Anonymous said...

You write very well.