Feb 21, 2007


Well the title has nothing to do with hitler,in case if you guys still remember your 10th std history lessons.Its about the pace at which life style of rural India is changing.
When i was a child (10 yr old) ,it was delightful to watch the village life where people never cared to have a look at the watch and do their work.They basically relied on the sun and the movement of the shadow.Even the cowboys in the grazing fields rested beneath the mango trees with at most peace of mind.Almost everyone seemed to be satisfied with what ever they owned.People worked hard to earn their rotis of the day.They did not worry about tomorrow.Joint families were a treat to watch and live in.Festivals were celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion towards GOD.People respected each other irrespective of their status in the society.Elders were given the priority for decision making.The most interesting thing that has always attracted me towards village life is the uncanny art of the people living there to treat every living being(whether its human or animal or plant) with due respect.My own grandma used to have 5 oxen.They were named after the 5 pandavas.One was named as krishna.Every time we called their names,they would respond much faster than we human beings.
But after 10 years when i go back to my village, i see the same restlessness,
as in the cities, has caught the villagers also who lived in peace and harmony .Even a cowboy today wants to earn more than what he could with his regular work.People have started smelling the money that brings shortlived happiness but long lasting worries.They have forgotten what is meant by being satisfied.Instead they have become ideal like most city dwellers.Village life sucks according to them.Concentration has diverted from groups to individuals which is the result of lack of faith among the people.Members of the family no longer have their dinner together at night.10 yrs back, each person used to compete with himself and tried to be better than what he was yesterday.But as i see at the present,people compete among each other creating a situation where no one is at peace and they call it struggle for existence.